LIB15-US : 2015 Maxi-FDC France-USA “Reddition allemande
  • LIB15-US : 2015 Maxi-FDC France-USA “Reddition allemande

LIB15-US : 2015 Maxi-FDC France-USA “German surrender, Reims May 7, 1945 / Gal Jodl“

VAT included

Postal link REIMS (France) - WEST POINT (USA)

LIB15-US : Maxi-FDC “Reims, May 7, 2015 : 70th anniversary of the German surrender 1945-2015 / German General Jodl“

1) Franked France 0,68€ “70th anniversary of May 8, 1945, 2015“
Postmarked in Reims (France) “70th anniversary of the surrender“ dated May 7, 2018

2) Frankedt USA 2 values “Medal of honor, 2013“ and 3c “Honoring Patton and the armored forces of U.S. army“ on the block “May 8 1945 VE DAY HERE“
Postmarked in West Point NY (USA) “V-E DAY“ dated May 8, 2018

Limited edition 50 copies

100% secure payments
35 Items

Data sheet


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