PE731 FDC Parlement européen "Discours M. IOHANNIS
  • PE731 FDC Parlement européen "Discours M. IOHANNIS

PE731 FDC European Parliament "Speech by President of Romania Mr IOHANNIS" 10-2018

VAT included

PE731 : FDC European Parliament Plenary Session, Strasbourg (France) October 22-25, 2018
- Series of debates on the future of Europe between EU Heads of State and Government and MEPs :
23.10.2018 : Debate on the future of Europe with Mr
Klaus IOHANNIS, President of Romania.
- Plastics ban
- Drinking water
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Facebook-Cambridge Analytica
- Road charges
- EU Budget 2019
- EU Summit 17/18 October

Franked 1 value France 0,80€ "Louise de Bettignies 1880-1918"
Postmarked in Strasbourg "European Parliament" October 23, 2018

Limited edition 200 copies

100% secure payments
7 Items

Data sheet


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