PE367a : 1998 - EO RECO Session PE "Nomination de M. Duisenberg 1er Président de la BCE"
  • PE367a : 1998 - EO RECO Session PE "Nomination de M. Duisenberg 1er Président de la BCE"

PE367a : 1998 - Registered env. Session EP "Appointment of Mr Duisenberg 1st Pdt of ECB"

VAT included

PE367a : Registered Official Envelope european Parliament
European Parliament, Strasbourg 13.05.1998 “Appointment of Mr. Duisenberg first President of the European Central Bank

Franked 2 x 3,00F + 4,50F + 0,80F + 2 values 3,00F + 3,80F “Coucil of Europe, 1996“
Postmarked with flame of european Parliament and with hand cachet of Coucil of Europe in Strasbourg dated May 13, 1998.

Milited edition 50 copies.

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13 Items

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