PE609 : 11.2011 - FDC Parlement européen "Eurozone - MM. Juncker
  • PE609 : 11.2011 - FDC Parlement européen "Eurozone - MM. Juncker

PE609 : 2011 - FDC European Parliament "EUROZONE, JUNCKER & BARROSO & VAN ROMPUY"

VAT included

N°PE609 : FDC Session of the European Parliament to Strasbourg (France) November 14-17, 2011 "November 16, 2011 : Speech by Mr. Herman VAN ROMPUY, President of the European Council and speech by Mr. Jose Manuel BARROSO, President of the European Commission and speech by Mr. Jean-Claude JUNCKER, President of Euro Group - Debate on the economic governance structures in the Eurozone and the ways out of the current crisis" :

- November 15, 2011 : Adoption of a law on short selling and CDS contracts to prevent speculation on the sovereign debt crisis

Franked France 1 value 0,60€ "50th anniversary of the CNES (National Center for Space Studies), 2011" postmarked in Strasbourg "European Parliament" (France) dated November 16, 2011

Limited edition 200 copies - TRES RARE

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19 Items

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