BR107 : 2010 - FDC Bruxelles "Débat sur la zone euro avec M. Trichet
  • BR107 : 2010 - FDC Bruxelles "Débat sur la zone euro avec M. Trichet

BR107 : 2010 - FDC Brussels "Debate on euro area with Mr. Trichet, President of the ECB"

VAT included

No. BR107/PE587 : FDC 'plenary session in Brussels - 24-25.03.2010'"
"25/03/2010: Annual debate on the euro area in the presence of Mr. Jean-Claude Trichet, ECB president.
Adoption of three resolutions concerning the euro area and public finances, the work of the ECB in 2008 and the appointment of Vice-President of the ECB.
stamp Belgium 0,57 € "Floralies gantoises"
obliteration flame "Brussels" 24/03/2010

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