CE68-IIB FDC Conseil de l'Europe "Visite de Sa Majesté Felipe VI
  • CE68-IIB FDC Conseil de l'Europe "Visite de Sa Majesté Felipe VI

CE68-IIB FDC Council of Europe "Visit of His Majesty Felipe VI, King of Spain" 27-4-2017

VAT included

N°CE68-IIB : FDC 'Premium edition' First Part of the regular session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly to Strasbourg (France) April 24-28, 2017
"April 27, 2017 : Official visit and speech by
His Majesty FELIPE VI, King of Spain / November 2016 to May 2017 : Chairmanship of Cyprus of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe"

Franked France 1 value 1,00€ "Council of Europe - European Social Charter, Social Rights, human rights in everyday life".
Postmarked in Strasbourg "Council of Europe" (France) dated April 27, 2017
+ Cachet "Council of Europe - Chairmanship of Cyprus" (France)

Limited edition 200 copies

100% secure payments
10 Items

Data sheet


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