Naval Philatelic envelopes with board cachet, mailed to the Agency's mailing of Nuclear Aircraft Carrier Charles de Gaulle.
N°PADG99-1 : envelope posted NAC Charles de Gaulle
Franked (TYPE 1) : FRANCE 1 value 3,00f «French soldiers in North Africa 1997»
Postmarked on board black cachet «First exit to the sea» (27.01.1999)
+ Postal Link «Strasbourg, Council of Europe» dated February 8, 1999.
Mimited edition 50 copies - Rare
Note : almost all of these letters having arrived us with the cachet of the board, but without the obliteration of the post office of Charles de Gaulle, the stamps were statutorily canceled upon arrival with the horizontal cachet "Strasbourg-Pl 67-930 Cathedral "of the delivery office.
Data sheet
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