BSS1L : 1992 - Le BSS Rance au secours de la population de Dubrovnik
  • BSS1L : 1992 - Le BSS Rance au secours de la population de Dubrovnik

BSS1L : 1992 - The BSS Rance rescuing the population of Dubrovnik

VAT included

N°BSS1L: Envelope FDC posted on board of the sostain building health BSS Rance «France maintains a humanitarian corridor towards Dubrovnik (Croatia), besieged and bombarded by the Serbian federal army. - B. Kouchner, Secretary of State taking charge of the humanitarian action»
authentification postmark on board «French humanitarian mission BSS Rance»
+ Slogan cancellation Toulon Naval 3.1.1992 on PS Red Cross
+ mail connection «European Council».

Drawing N°1/550 - rare!

100% secure payments
27 Items

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