CE47-II Council of Europe “Visit Leonid KUCHMA, President of Ukraine” 1996

VAT included

N°CE47-II : FDC Second Part of the regular session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly April 22-26, 1996 "April 23, 1996 : Official visit and speech by Mr. Leonid KUTCHMA, President of Ukraine" :

- Dayton Agreement for the Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Postage France 1 value 2,80FF "Council of Europe, 1994"
Postmarked in Strasbourg "Council of Europe" (France) dated April 23, 1996
+ Complementary postage France 1 value 0,20FF "Marianne" postmarked in Strasbourg "Council of Europe" (France) dated April 23, 1996
+ Red cachet "Request of the Croatia Adhesion to the Council of Europe - Favorable Vote"

Limited edition 500 copies - VERY RARE

100% secure payments
18 Items

Data sheet


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