N°PE439BT2 : Postal Stationary USA 34c "Federal Eagle - America under Attack September 11, 2001 - The WORLD TRADE CENTER" flying on board Concorde AF 4501 "Test Flight New York - Paris" (TYPE 2) 2001 :
Postmarked in New-York "JFK International Airport New York" (USA) dated September 11, 2001
+ Authentification Concorde on board Postmark "Mail repatriated by Concorde Flight Air France AF4501 - Test Flight New York-Paris" dated October 30, 2001
+ Authentification certificate to Flight
+ Special cachet "UNITED WE STAND"
+ Postal link New-York (USA) - Strasbourg "Council of Europe" (France) postmarked "European Court of Human Rights" dated November 6, 2001 + postmarked Vigipirate in Strasbourg Council of Europe "Controled Mail" dated November 6, 2001
Limited edition 50 copies - Exceptionnal Cover - EXTREMELY RARE
Data sheet
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