PE516F : 2006 Planche TPP AUTRICHE "Concorde - Flight for Europe - Vol pour l'Europe"
  • PE516F : 2006 Planche TPP AUTRICHE "Concorde - Flight for Europe - Vol pour l'Europe"

PE516F : 2006 Plate Perso. PS AUTRICHE "Concorde - Flight for Europe"

VAT included

N°PE516F: Emission on 9 May 2006 of 2 personalized stamps in occasion of the "Flight for Europe " Wien (Austria) - Bruxelles (Belgium) realized during the "European day 2006" in the occasion of the Austrian Presidency of the European Council. the entire plate of 20 values AUSTRIA 0,55 EUR in NEW with titles and official logos
+ dated corner 09.05.2006.

Drawing 60 plates.

100% secure payments
5 Items

Data sheet


Specific References

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