CO-RET52PT1/4 : 2013 - Série 4 Marianne "10 ans dernier vol avion Concorde / Tour Eiffel"
  • CO-RET52PT1/4 : 2013 - Série 4 Marianne "10 ans dernier vol avion Concorde / Tour Eiffel"

CO-RET52PT1/4 : 2013 - Set of 4 Marianne "10 years final flight of Concorde / Eiffel Tower"

VAT included

CO-RET52PT1/4 : FRANCE Set of 4 values "Marianne and the Europe, 2013" on Private Stamp Display Units perforated and gummed
"2003-2013 :  Air France Concorde and Tupolev 144, Eiffel Tower"
issued for the 10th anniversary of the Final Flight of the Supersonic Aircraft CONCORDE

Franked France 1 value Green Letter 20g, 1 value Priority Letter 20g red, 1 value Europe 20g blue and 1 value World 20g violet.

in NEW

100% secure payments
1 Item

Data sheet


Specific References